Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEntrepreneurshipWhat is the Essence of Entrepreneurship?

What is the Essence of Entrepreneurship?

It only takes one …

It always seems impossible, until it’s done.

– Nelson Mandela

It only takes one crazy individual who believes in making the “Impossible,” possible. This is the essence of entrepreneurship.

… One that sees opportunity and takes the challenge.

… One that sees the possible with limited resources.

It only takes one.


Jack Ma, Chinese English teacher, born in communist China. No technological training. No significant resources — but with a vision.

Founder of Alibaba, created a multi-billion dollar empire in a few years.


Yes … until he did it.

Jack Ma retires at 54

It only takes one.

Also read:  Why You WON'T Get Funds For Your Business


Bill Gates, just a teenager, college dropout. No formal training, but with a vision. Gates revolutionized the computer industry and became the youngest billionaire in history.


Yes … until he did it.

It only takes one.



With its geographical location, Israel has always struggled with lack of water, however, through innovation in desalination methods, Israel has now solved this problem. Today, Israel leads the world in desalination.


Yes … until they solved it.

Problems are opportunities.

All it only takes is ONE with a vision!

What’s your “impossible” vision? Share below!



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