Have you tried to obtain loans but the requirements were too much that you gave up? If yes, then you’re not the only one who has suffered that. Many have been discouraged from obtaining loans because of the demanding requirements that comes with many loan platforms. Well, worry no more. In this article, you would be reading about loans platforms in Nigeria where you could obtain easy loans. Yes, it is possible! Without wasting much time, let’s delve into looking at these platforms.
Platforms That Grant Easy Loans In Nigeria
Here are platforms in Nigeria that approve loans easily without hassle:
1. Aella Credit
Aella Credit is one of the quickest loan platforms in Nigeria. They offer quick loans to their users without even a collateral being offered by the loanee. With Aella Credit, the eligibility of a user comes from the installed algorithm of the Aella Credit app which grades users according to their credit score records.
Aella Credit offer loans of up to N3 million to their customers. This amount can be repayable within 3 months along with the competitive interest rates. So far, they are a rising platform among Nigerians with over 1 million downloads.
2. QuickCheck
QuickCheck loans are also among top loan platforms that offer easy loans to their customers. They offer loans as high up as N500,000 with no collateral attached. The platform is mostly used by small business owners go upscale their business.
With QuickCheck, you can be rest assured of having a longer repayment duration. This means that you enjoy longer repayment periods on QuickCheck allowing you to focus on your business more rather than on repaying a loan.