SME Digest is Nigeria’s foremost SME Portal filled with mind blowing business articles and news that is aimed at shooting businesses to the next level.
At SME Digest, we are focused on empowering Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises with quality information spanning across Marketing, IT, Social Media, Accounting, How-To-Series, and lots more. Knowledge they say, is Power but at SME Digest we believe in the application/putting into action of acquired knowledge, hence, the entire articles you will read on SME Digest will have little or no impact until it is been ACTED UPON!
SME Digest was birthed in 2013 as a hard copy magazine and went fully fledged online in 2015, thriving and affecting businesses positively with tremendous testimonials, great feedbacks with numerous local & International recognitions.
Currently, we have an active 29,972 SMEs on our Database and still counting, with website hit rates in millions, hence businesses and Banks are maximising the SME Digest portal to reach out to prospective customers in their numbers.
At SME Digest, our vision includes but not limited to growing MSMEs, giving them access to great content that will help them grow their businesses whilst profiling them effectively.
We’ve got lots of great stuff for MSMEs, stay tuned on SME Digest, join our priority list and be amongst the first to receive top notch business information/articles/news.
You can also join our Radio Show on Inspiration 92.3fm, every Tuesday by 5:00pm prompt to listen and learn from top notch Entrepreneurs. The replay is always available HERE for your consumption.
To reach out to us, please click HERE to send us a message, we are always glad to hear from you.