Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeBusiness LegalIf Your Business Must Out-live You Then Do This...

If Your Business Must Out-live You Then Do This…

The best thing you can do for your business is to begin to think long-term.

If you don’t want to wake up one day to realise that you have just been wasting your time, start thinking about how to build a proper business.

No matter how small your business is, start now to ask yourself, how can I build a business that will outlive me.

Start asking, what kind of systems and structure do I need to put in place to enable me build a proper business.

Ask yourself Who do I need to speaks with to help me achieve this systems and structures.

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Paystack recently got acquired for $200 million, everyone was excited for them and some people even codedly wished it was their own startup that got acquired.

You can’t wish some things into existence unfortunately.

Your business, no matter the size, needs to have its own corporate legal structure.

The legal aspect of your business does not start and end with CAC registration.

There is more to the legal aspect of your business.

At some point in your business, you are going to have to put legal structure in your business.

If all the legal loose ends in your business are not properly tied. I’m sorry but you are just running a side-hustle.

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Any business that will outlive its owner and can be transferable is one that has a strong corporate legal structure.

There is no two ways about it, you will just have to plan for it.



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