This is an Orca whale.
It’s an incredibly powerful aquatic mammal.
It has such a reputation that it’s also known as a “killer whale.” It’s been documented that killer whales can kill great white sharks.
Yet, no matter how powerful Orcas are, these animals are completely powerless outside their natural habitat.
In a similar way, high IQ individuals trying to operate outside their area of gifting will turn out to be failures.
Trying to be someone outside your God-given gifts and talents is like a killer whale trying to “run” on a beach.
Death of IQ!
- Shakespeare was a genius writer, NOT a painter.
- Michelangelo was a genius sculptor, NOT a musician.
- Beethoven was a genius composer, NOT an engineer.
- Newton was a genius mathematician, NOT an actor.
- What about you? What’s your area of gifting?
Are you swimming in your natural habitat or dying trying to be someone you’re not?