Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeNewsUPDATE: NIPOST Regulation of Courier Service and Licensing

UPDATE: NIPOST Regulation of Courier Service and Licensing

Recall the recent NIPOST regulation of courier services which is enforcing all logistics service to get their licensing ranging from 250,000 to over a million Naira, the Honorable Minister of Communication and Digital Economy of Nigeria, Isa Ali Pantami, PhD, last week placed a hold on the exercise and has asked for a report to be sent to the ministry.

Meanwhile, our rep made a visit to NIPOST yesterday to confirm what next, as it seems to be that some SMEs have already commenced the registration process.

As confirmed, everything is on hold right now as NIPOST has ceased to continue registration for courier licensing. When asked about the solution to the issues logistics riders are recently facing on the road, which involves arresting them for not having license to operate even when license cannot be processed yet, we were made to understand that courier services without license should not operate as arrest is been done by Lagos State Government for not having license and MOT.

As it seems now, logistics riders without license stand a chance to be halted on their way. Until a directive from the ministry is given, hopefully by next week Monday, August 3rd, it is going to be a ‘rough ride’ with logistics services, especially in Lagos.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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