It is no more news that 87% of Businesses close down before their third year in business. This happens most of the time because of lack of sufficient cash-flow to grow that business.
As a business owner or an aspiring business owner, it is important you have enough cash-flow that will sustain your business to the breakeven point and till when it starts making good income to sustain itself. Successful businesses understand this and that is why they keep thriving in business and guess what?
You don’t have to grow your business with your own (UN-available) money. There are enough cash available for SMEs to use BUT the major problem is, they are not qualified to accessing this cash and this is far away from collateral now. What is your turn-over, how many clients are patronising your business, are you keeping your books, do you have a well structured business, what is your credit score; this and many more are important things you must know and keep in place to access funds from anywhere and the banks.
In view of this, the next SME Financial Forum will be addressing a whole lot as it concerns the things you need to have and put in place so as to access funds to GROW your business, and that’s not all. You are also going to be meeting with the banks LIVE to discuss further on accessing funds. As if that’s not enough, you’re also going to be networking with other business owners, to collaborate and take your business to the next level.

The event is FREE but admission is strictly based on REGISTRATION, hence, click HERE now to secure a seat – limited seats allowed.
Watch below the previous SME Financial Forum Event held in Lagos
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