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HomeEntrepreneurshipWrite Your Way To Selling More

Write Your Way To Selling More

Capturing your reader’s attention and persuading them to buy or take a desired action is a craft – Sales Letter Crafting. Like any craft, you can learn a lot from the pros. Fortunately for you, effective sales writing is all around you… take a look at some well-respected company websites and other communications for some great examples. Alright, looking at examples of what others have done can provide some inspiration and ideas, but what about your situation? How will you sell your product or service?

A good structure will help guide you through your own writing process. There will typically be several steps along the path from your opening headline to your call to action and you may lose your reader anywhere along the path. The following steps may be incorporated into a brochure, a blog, an email, a sales letter, or a presentation. Depending on your situation you may not use all of the following steps, but these are time-tested elements to consider as you sit down to write.


Step 1 – The Headline

You can draw the reader in or lose them with your headline. Choose your words carefully!

Consider using a “How To” headline. Most of your readers will be more interested in learning how to solve a problem or learning to do something as opposed to reading about your product or service. Some examples follow:

– How To Create Your First Blog

– How To Turn Your Junk Into Cash

– Learn How To Design, Build, and Sell Your Own Smartphone App

Try to keep the headline short and sweet. If you need to elaborate, consider adding a Sub-headline. For example, Turn Your Junk Into Cash can be followed up with: Clean Out Your Closets and Sell Your Stuff Online. The Headline should grab the reader’s attention. The Sub-headline should reel them in.


Step 2 – The Opener

OK – you’ve got your reader this far. Next, show them that you understand their problem and that your product or service can solve it.

Be sure to demonstrate that your product or service will make the reader’s life easier. People are looking for hassle-free, quick, and easy solutions to their problems. In addition to text, a video or pictures can be very effective in showing how easy something can be.


Step 3 – Future Vision

Help your reader see the future – a better future. A simple way to help your reader see the future is to ask them to Imagine… [fill in the blank to your future vision here!]


Help your reader imagine what their world will be like after their problem has been solved. This is another opportunity to use visuals – videos or some beautiful “after” pictures can effectively show a future vision. A sparkling clean window, a salon chair spinning around to reveal a smiling young man with a sharp-looking new haircut, a smiling woman getting the keys to her shiny new car. You get the idea.


Step 4 – Demonstrate Credibility

Alright, now you have shown your reader a vision for a better future. But wait, why should your reader trust you, how are you qualified, and why should your reader use you vs. someone else?

A few examples of how to show that you are credible include:

– Qualifications and Credentials: Are you a PhD, a CPA, an Award-Winning Chef? Tell your reader what your qualifications and credentials are to demonstrate credibility.

– Endorsements and Testimonials: An endorsement from a respected colleague or a testimonial from a happy customer can go a long way to build credibility.

– Statistics: Numbers or charts can be used effectively to demonstrate credibility.

– A powerful personal story can be used to show how you did it.


Step 5 – Sell The Benefits

Next, explain the benefits of your product or service to your reader in a few key points. There is not a magic number, but more than five is probably too many in most cases. This part of your document should stand out. Use indentation, bold text, bullet points, or some other way to highlight the key benefits of your product or service and draw the reader’s eye to these key points. This is a good place to break things up a bit. You don’t want your reader to miss the benefits of your product or service. You want to ensure the reader sees and processes the benefits of your product or service.

Always remember that you should sell the benefits and results of your product or service, not the product or service itself. It’s more effective to sell a beautiful green lawn rather than a sack of fertilizer. It’s better to sell the feeling of owning your dream home than to sell the number of rooms and location – as much as those are also important, it is the WANT that drives the purchase decision and not the NEED most times.


Step 6 – Prove It

OK, I can imagine what your product will do for me, I see that you are credible, I understand the benefits of your product, but I want to see Proof that your product will work!

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You can prove it with data, statistics, or reputable sources that back your claims. Celebrity or expert endorsements, expert testimonies, reviews, etc are all ways to prove your claims. Proving with writing is good, but this is another great place for visuals. If your reader can see before and after photos or a video showing an amazing transformation you can leverage the famous saying: a picture is worth a thousand words. You can also screenshot testimonial messages sent by customers (but remember to blur out their personal details).


Step 7 – The Offer

Here is where the “deal” is explained. How much money for your product or service should be explained here. You should answer all the expected questions that the reader will have… Clearly answer questions like: How much money? When will I get the product or service? How can I pay? How big? How heavy?, etc.

Everyone likes a deal. So, you may consider offering a discount for acting early, a discount for buying more than one, a rebate for recommending a friend, and so forth. Providing a discount or bonus for acting early can be a powerful way to boost sales for some products and services. Urgency can also be created by having a limited number of products available for sale, a limited number of seats for a concert or workshop, etc. Be careful though, use legitimate urgency triggers or you may risk losing credibility as well as the sale.

Another way to sweeten the offer is to take risk off the table for the customer. Some ways that you can do this include a money-back guarantee, a free sample, or a free trial period.


Step 8 – Call To Action

Don’t forget the call to action. This is how you close the deal. Tell your reader what you want them to do. Tell them clearly and make it simple.

– Call this phone number to order

– Click this button to order

– Call this number for a free in-home demonstration.

There you have it – eight steps to write your sales piece. You don’t need to include all these elements for each sales document that you write. However, this is a useful structure and set of steps to work through as you consider important elements of your sales document.

Hope you’ve learnt something new. Fell free to share.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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