Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEntrepreneurshipThat ENTREPRENEUR's Nightmare

That ENTREPRENEUR’s Nightmare

I was driving to work. It was like every other day. Same road, same hour, same car, same radio station. Beautiful, sunny morning. Just perfect.

I was in FULL control of my car, driving at about 80 km/hr (50 MPH)… everything running smoothly.

In a matter of milliseconds — the unexpected happened!

A sudden explosion!

Immediately I lost control of the car.

The car pulled strongly to the right moving towards parked cars in the side of the road. I didn’t have time to think about anything. My driving instincts took over to prevent crashing other cars. I hit the brakes and lost control.

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Suddenly I was in a spin.

I held tightly to the steering wheel to compensate for the pulling, but it was too late. Everything changed!

In about two seconds I became a mere passenger inside a “metal box” speeding out of control. All I could do was hold tight and wait for the impact.

What is that Entrepreneur’s nightmare? This was my worst nightmare!

“A tire blowout?” you may ask.


An Economic Blowout!

This happened to me in 2008.

I was in FULL control of my real estate development project.

Everything was running smoothly. I was in command, I was managing every movement of the puzzle when the blowout happened.

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In a matter of hours I became a “passenger” of my project.

All I could do was to hold tight and expect impact.


In a matter of weeks I lost control of my project, my investment, my hundreds of hours of work, my business partners, friendships and my dream.


Losing control of your business BECAUSE of irresponsible people in power…
That is an entrepreneur’s greatest nightmare!



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