Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeMotivation5 Powerful Habits that will Change Your Life

5 Powerful Habits that will Change Your Life

  1. Never follow the crowd:
    Set YOUR goals, own them and pursue them.
    Don’t take your dreams to the grave!

  2. Embrace change:
    Change is a part of life.
    Disrupt yourself BEFORE change disrupts you.

  3. Live outside your comfort zone:
    Your comfort zone is your DEATH zone.
    Everything you want lies on the edge of your comfort zone.

  4. Pursue knowledge:
    The moment you stop LEARNING, you stop growing.
    When we stop growing, we start dying.

  5. Choose your relationships wisely.
    We become like the people we spend the most time with.
    Remember, eagles don’t fly with pigeons.

Also read:  Habits That Separates the Poor from the Rich


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