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HomeNewsNigeria's Ladies Niche eCommerce Platform Set to Go LIVE!

Nigeria’s Ladies Niche eCommerce Platform Set to Go LIVE!

Ecommerce is no doubt thriving and gaining the embrace of the masses daily in Africa and most especially Nigeria with 65% of internet users in Nigeria already shopping online and a further 24% expected to do so in the future according to a survey by paypal in 2015.

One of the major challenges facing this business in Nigeria is the inability to fulfill orders as at when expected by the customers according to research. This tells us that there are still rooms for new players in this industry to emerge and dominate their own space. By doing so, in order to gain the trust and love of potential customers, ensure challenges such as prompt deliveries are put in place, safer payment and product quality.

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With this in mind comes the creation of Nigeria’s first Ladies Niche eCommerce platform

From the brief discussion we had with the founder (full interview coming up soon), Ladies Hub is a dedicated platform to be filled with products for the Ladies ranging from kids to teens, youths and adults. According to the founder, the platform and idea was birthed from a desire to setup something different from what is already in existence, coupled with the fact that Ladies are the more “shoppers” online, creating a platform that will soon be a first choice of check to reckon with when a lady intend to get herself fashion, jewelry, ladies shoes, bags or makeup products, etc.

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He also added that Ladies Hub will also feature exciting and mind empowering articles to the ladies, to help develop and empower their minds – when you empower a lady, you empower the world.

Currently, the platform is taking on Vendors/Merchants that will like to improve their sales online via by listing their products on the platform.

If you sell ladies products, you can register now and be on your way to owning your space on Ladies Hub for FREE. To register, click HERE.

You can also get updates on the HUB by following on social media: facebook, twitter, Instagram.

The official media launch of this project will be communicated soonest, so stay tuned!


admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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