Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeEntrepreneurshipThis Advice is Worth a Million Dollar for Business Owners

This Advice is Worth a Million Dollar for Business Owners

1. People do not buy a product or service based on how GOOD it is, they buy based on how good the AD COPY IS.

2. If your FIRST product is GOOD, they will buy from you forever unless you offend them.

3. ALL of your money is not in the product you are selling but in the LIST of people who buy it.

4. The EASIEST way to prove to someone that you can help them is by actually HELPING THEM. There is NO TRICK to it.

5. $7 dollar MINDSET.. “I want to get 1,000,000 people to give me $1 dollar so I will have $1,000,000.”

6. $1,000,000 MINDSET.. “I want to DELIVER $100 in value for FREE to one million people and then, later on, ask them each for $10.”

7. No matter how good you get at what you are doing there are ALWAYS higher levels. So NEVER be complacent.

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8. If you are scared to deliver a lot of value for free, either 1. You do not have a LOT of value to bring or 2. You are living in a lack consciousness mindset. You need to fix these.

9. The real ART of getting money is simple VALUE EXCHANGE. So ALWAYS deliver more than you ask for.

10. The amount of money you will make will be in direct proportion to the amount of quality offers you make to the marketplace and the size of the problems you solve for people.

Manny Talavera 

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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