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HomeEntrepreneurshipSource of Good Leadership for Your Business

Source of Good Leadership for Your Business

I used to read self-help books.

These books would motivate me, but they never produced any long-term result or significant change in my life.

Then I stepped up my goals and decided to attend leadership courses. I learned about leadership but these courses never really significantly produced any long-term changes in me.

Then I gave up.

I will never forget when a friend invited me to a local event, saying “Hector, we’re going to this amazing leadership event. Would you like to join us?”

I made up all kinds of excuses as to why I couldn’t attend. I was unmotivated and had decided to stay at home because I had been convinced by an oppressive lie in my mind that leadership was only for an elite group of people who were uniquely gifted. “Who am I? I’m just a normal average person. I’m not a leader. That’s definitely not for me.”

I almost believed it, until I found myself.

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Fast forward a few years…

Today I’m convinced that leadership originates from the heart, not from books or any other kind of training.

A true leader doesn’t need guidance or discipline from the outside. True leaders self-impose and self-discipline themselves based on their dream.

Leadership starts with a vision:

I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” — MLK Jr.

When a person defines a vision, this vision takes control of his/her heart and now their actions are focused on the goal of serving this vision (not themselves).

A clear vision fills a person with passion, infecting those around him or her with this powerful spirit of hope.

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How then can entrepreneurs / founders get more leadership training?

  1. Spend time defining your vision.
  2. Test your vision: Does this vision take your sleep away?
  3. Whatever you see (vision), put it on paper, whatever it is!
  4. Make a plan: If you don’t have a plan, your vision will fail.
  5. Get moving! You can’t be a leader without action.

It all comes down to this:

Do you believe it?

You don’t believe in your vision until you talk about it.

Leadership is about inspiring people. If you don’t passionately talk and believe in your vision, that means you haven’t believed in your vision yet.

If you don’t believe in your vision, WHY should anyone else believe in you?



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