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HomeGrow Your BusinessMarketing Campaign: What Do You Do When Things Do Not Go As...

Marketing Campaign: What Do You Do When Things Do Not Go As Planned? 

For you to achieve all your marketing desires effectively, there must be Marketing Campaigns. 

Marketing Campaigns are actions carried out to uplift or sell a particular product. Marketing Campaigns are the simplest and easiest way to reach your audience.

Marketing Campaigns are the prison breakers of a business. Remember, your audience could be anywhere (either internationally or locally).

For Close Up to get its target audience, the process of advertisement was done to promote the brand, thereby creating quality information about the product. 

Which is why when you tune on your television set, several advertisements pops up, (it’s either Airtel, PiggyVest or something else) 

Marketing Campaigns are held by marketers, business owners, distributors or realtors. 

Researches have proven that producing headline campaigns is the key to having a successful business. 

Goals of Marketing Campaigns 

• To raise the awareness of the brand.

• To gain customer’s loyalty.

• To empower friends, business partners or colleagues to support the brand and maybe become brand ambassadors. 

Starting a campaign is not a day job, there must be a proper planning process to ensure close perfection. 

Steps to Start a Marketing Campaign:

Identify Your Goals: What are your marketing goals? How do you intend to achieve them? Once your set of goals has been identified, you can move over to…

• Examine Your Planning Budget: Now that you know your goals, a budget is an important criteria in campaign planning. It helps in estimation. 

It’s vital to set a realistic budget and not base your budget on what you perceive Mrs Andre used. Her budget could be entirely different from yours.

Understand Your Target Market: This is a crucial part of the campaign. Here, the ‘People’ is the determinant of your achievement. 

At this point, you need to understand. 

“Who your product is for?” 

“Where and how will they get the product?”, 

“Which locality are they in”? 

• Think about the delivery of your message, “how do you want your messages delivered to the public”? 

• Think about the Media houses too.

Now, we have identified the marketing aims and factors, but the unforeseen big question and the one no one wants to hear is, “what do you do if the marketing campaign does not go as planned? 

Also read:  The Marketing Strategies of TSTV - Apply In Your Business

What if Airtel’s Smartphone Network Campaign does not go as planned? 

What if the Noodles marketing campaign does not go as planned?

Plotting a good marketing campaign is a big deal which must not be rushed. 

If you don’t have an excellent team around you, you are likely to waste your funds on unnecessary campaign plots. 

Creating a marketing campaign could be stressful and strategic. 

Below are the things to do when your marketing campaign does not go as planned; 

1. Re Create A Good Marketing Plan

Here, the business owners should know what products and services is being displayed to the public and knowing this is not enough, you must have a firm marketing plan in check. 

It may be anything but something that suits the plan of the business. 

Your marketing plan should be placed side by side with your organization or institutions’ needs, aims, and vision. You can’t use the same market strategy plan for Operation A for Operation B. 

The marketing plan for the sale of Sneakers is entirely different from that of the Waist-trainers. 

The value of a good marketing plan is that you know your target market or audience. They are the consumers of your product. 

Remember, the business world is a world of Competition. For you to stand out amongst your competitors, your marketing plan must take the lead and beat the box. 

Without a good marketing plan, marketing campaign will be a total flop for the business owner and the company or institution stand a high risk of not meeting up with their goals. 

Organize your marketing plan with your team. Stick to the almighty plan and work towards it. 

2. Try Out A New Method Of Campaign 

Sometimes, we feel we have done our best till it turns out to be a total waste. 

Maybe the first one was not good enough. Maybe loopholes or errors beyond human intervention were done.

Also read:  How To Get Your Customers to Keep Talking About Your Business

You should not settle for the worst, but the best. Rule out the previous campaign that was conducted and try out another mode of campaign. 

3. Involvement of External Campaign Personnel 

You and your team mates may decide to go out of your circle to find others who may share ideas or knowledge about the type of campaign you want to run. 

The external campaign personnel may be a celebrity or a famous person in the society. Just like the Munch it and Davido’s appearance. 

4. Social Media Quality

Media is the hope of the average person. We tend to get informed through our mobile phones, mobile apps or application, television set and many more. 

The reason the marketing campaign you conducted in the past may be because you didn’t involve the media in your marketing strategy. 

TV stations like AIT, Silver Bird and many more are strong media house while twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and many more are strong social media apps used to sensitize and create an awareness of your product or devices. 

5. Re Consider Your Budget Plan

Your budget is a vital success in your marketing campaign. Most marketing campaigns come crashing because the start up funds is poor, then fall back at the crucial stage when there is nothing to pull through. 

Pick your pen and take out your old budget, recreate and reconsider your budget. Do not continue your marketing campaign if there is nothing to hold you back from falling.

6. Re Plan Your Message 

Your previous marketing campaign did not sit well with the target audience, which is why, when conveying your message, you must be clear, concise and catchy. 

The target audience always watches out for concise message, when the messages do not fulfill their desires, it is disposed.

An unsuccessful marketing campaign is not the end of business, to ensure that the previous outcomes are thwarted, be the wisest marketer you can and go through these 6 Strategies to start off when your marketing campaign does not go as planned.

Felix Anago
Felix Anago
Anago Felix is a Business Strategist with the goal to Inspire and Influence entrepreneurs and Business Owners with the Strategies to Build, Grow and Scale a Profitable Business.


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