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HomeIT CornerChallenges of Growing Online Business in Nigeria

Challenges of Growing Online Business in Nigeria

As online shopping continues to gain market share, there are growing calls for safety and confidence among users of the various platforms.

Specifically, areas of concern include card security, privacy, identity protection, products or services quality assurances, delivery, complaints resolutions, and after-sales, amongst others.

All these, according to e-commerce experts, border on trust or lack of it existing between buyers and sellers. This is also said to be the main challenge of the growing e-commerce sector, especially in Nigeria.

Speaking to this, an e-commerce expert, Michael Orji, has said for e-commerce businesses to succeed in Nigeria and across the world, the operators must build trust among their audience.

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He admitted that even though online shopping was the trend among the younger generation, the place of trust in business relationships must not be taken for granted.

According to him, trust is the cornerstone of customer relations in the e-commerce market because consumers experience more uncertainty when shopping online.

“For e-commerce businesses to succeed in Nigeria and all around the world, they must not leave any stone unturned in building trust among their audience,” he said.

Orji said, “Customers’ areas of trust bothers around card security and privacy issues, the quality of products or services they receive after they have placed their orders online, and the wait for the products and services they order.”

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He said it was important for online businesses to ensure the areas of trust were properly addressed so that customers could trust them more and do more business online.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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