Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeStart upsBest Business to Start in a Developing Country

Best Business to Start in a Developing Country

Here’s a big opportunity:

Everyone is fighting for attention…. attention leads to sales.

If you master digital marketing, you will capture the attention of potential customers through mobile devices.

Your services should be in high demand.

  • Start offering DIGITAL marketing strategies.
  • Master social media.
  • Be professional.
  • Be patient.
  • Study.
  • Stay focused.
  • Anyone can achieve this; educate yourself and build your virtual team.

Start very small…

  1. Learn about Facebook ads and digital marketing strategies.
  2. Learn about retargeting.
  3. Create a brochure of your services.
  4. Print 20 brochures.
  5. Go to local restaurants, dry cleaners, barbershops, nail salons, etc., … Any local businesses in the area.
  6. Offer them clear strategies on how much you can help them attract more customers. Most people ignore the targeting power of Facebook advertising.
  7. Get only one customer for the first month. Be disciplined! You MUST get it right BEFORE you grow.
  8. Add only one more customer per month.
  9. Always exceed your customers’ expectations and you should have enough work and be able to grow your business.
  10. Word of mouth will be your best advertising.
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