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HomeEntrepreneurship20 Agricultural Businesses You Can Startup In Nigeria

20 Agricultural Businesses You Can Startup In Nigeria

Ever wondered what life would have been without farmers? Well, if you have, chances are that you have come to realize that should there be no farmers on the face of the earth, then starvation and poverty would become our mantra. The agricultural business or industry is no doubt amongst the leading industry in most countries of the world; it is the industry that produces food for the populace and also helps in the generation of income.


Because of the significant role the agriculture sector plays, the government of most countries ensure that they go all the way to subsidize seedlings, fertilizers, and farming implements and machinery for farmers and also encourage entrepreneurs to go into farming.


There are several business opportunities available in the agricultural industry and one good thing about the industry is that there is market for all the produce which the industry churns out. Over the years, researchers and scientist have been reaching for ways to improve crop cultivation – especially in areas where the soil composition and climatic condition does not support the growth of certain crops (cash crops, food crops et al). So also engineers have been improving on their invention as regards mechanized farming, as well as other factors that are imperative to the trade.

As a matter of fact, with the recent advancement in technology, farmers can now comfortably grow crops in countries where such crops can hardly survive and in places where there are few farming land, people can make use of the rooftop (basement) of their houses to cultivate crops even for commercial purposes, still not rampant in Nigeria tho.

So if you are interested in starting a commercial farming business, here are few business ideas an entrepreneur can choose from in the agricultural industry;

  1. Rice Cultivation

Rice is stable food that is consumed in all parts of the world which makes it a good crop to cultivate. If you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business and you live in an area (preferably swampy and water logged areas) where the soil composition and the climatic conditions support the growth of rice, then one of your best options is to go into rice farming.


The truth is that, you don’t have to go all the way from cultivation to processing to bagging and to retailing before you make huge profits from rice farming. There are readily available buyers of raw rice; those who have factory for processing, bagging and wholesale distribution of rice.

This is a very stable type of business to go into. This is especially because of the huge reward of labor it guarantees and the profitability it brings. There isn’t any race that doesn’t consume rice; as such. It is a determiner for success.

  1. Tomatoes and Pepper Cultivation


Tomatoes and pepper are another key agricultural produce that plays prominent roles in the preparation or stew (sauce, soups et al), this is irrespective of the part of the world that you live in. What is more, one good thing about tomatoes and pepper is that it is easy to cultivate. As a matter of fact that there is a large market for tomatoes and pepper.

Consequently, if you are looking at considering an agricultural crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of tomatoes and pepper. It is important to state that, tomatoes and pepper are perishable crops hence proper arrangement must be put in place to ensure that the crops are sold as soon as possible after harvest.

In starting this business, you will need to first of all do some feasibility studies, about the lands that are available for you to farm on, as well as all what would be need to kick start your tomatoes and pepper farming business.

  1. Vegetable Farming

Spinach, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, and cucumber et al, are all vegetables that are consumed in every part of the globe and can also be cultivated in every part of the world. This goes to show that there is a very large market for vegetables. So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into vegetable farming.

Just like most agriculture produce, vegetables are perishable crops hence proper arrangement must be put in place to ensure that they are sold as soon as possible after harvest. Usually, farmers ensure that they make arrangement with buyers before harvesting their crops; it is safer and cost effect. It is only when they can’t secure buyers that they take their crops to farm markets.


In starting this business, you have got to put adequate arrangements in place so as to know who and who to ship your produce to for supply. It will also entail that you undertake some analysis in order to know the best marketing approach that will work for you.

  1. Grains Farming

Grains are a stable food that is consumed in all the countries of the world; hence there is a global market for grains. Grains such as millet, wheat, oat, shogun, barely, cereal, soybeans, black mustard, sunflower seed et al, are of good market value. This is expressly for food processing companies that are into flour production, malt drinks and beer et al. So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then you should consider going into grain farming. On like vegetables, grains can last longer if well preserved.

Most breweries are in the habit of purchasing these grain produce in tons of quantities. As such, you will need to be well positioned and noticed so that you can take advantage of the opportunities these organizations have got to offer.

  1. Groundnut Cultivation

Groundnut is a cash crop that can is consumed in all the parts of the world. The truth is that, there is a large market for groundnuts. If you live in area where the soil composition supports the cultivation of groundnuts, then you should consider going into the cultivation of groundnut.

There are a whole lot of things that can be gotten from the groundnut after it has been processed. There is the groundnut oil; there is also then peanut butter, amongst other things.

  1. Sweet Potatoes and Irish Potatoes Farming


Sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes are crops that are consumed globally and it can be processed into different forms. It can be eaten when cooked, and when fried. Potatoes chips can easily be packaged and exported from country to another. Thus, if you are looking at starting an agricultural business, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. It is a cool way of making money because there is a readily available market.

It is very important that you garner some business management knowledge; so that you can drive your business the way it should be driven. Doing this would tantamount to you positioning yourself for profitability.

  1. Fruits Plantation

There are several types of fruits that exist. They are such as mangoes, cashew, guavas, oranges, apples, pawpaw, cherry and the list goes on. No doubt there is a large market for fruits and the fact that fruits can be processed into drinks and juice makes it highly sellable.

If you have access to a large portion of land, in an area with good soil compositions and good climatic condition, then it will be to your advantage to go in fruits cultivation. You can afford to go into the cultivation of various fruits at the same time or you can choose to cultivate a handful of fruits especially fruits that are in high demand in your area.

If you have the right information needed and enough to help you launch out, then you would be surprised at the large market you will command when you start on a right footing.

  1. Cassava Plantation


Cassava is a crop that is predominantly consumed in South America and Africa. It can be processed into flours and also into chips. If you live in Africa especially West Africa or you live in South America, and you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business; one of your options is to go into cassava plantation. Cultivating cassava is less stressful especially if cultivated in a land to supports its growth.

Furthermore, these days, cassava is even being used as flour to produce breads, and other flour based meals. So, you see that the list is indeed endless. Begin your plantain plantation today, and in no time you would smile to the bank.

  1. Pineapples Plantation

Pineapple juice, pineapple chips and pineapple flavor et al, are products from pineapples. One good thing about starting this trade is the point that these products can be exported from one country to another, because there is a global market for pineapple products.

So, if you are looking towards starting an agricultural crop cultivation business, then one of your options is to go into pineapples cultivation. Please note that just like most agricultural produce; pineapples are highly perishable hence you should make sure you make arrangement for selling them before it ripens. When it comes to selling pineapples sourcing for juice production company is your best bet.

  1. Apple Plantation

Apples are some of the few fruits that can last for a while and stay fresh if well packaged- which is why it is easier for apples to be exported from one country to another. Although apples don’t grow in all the countries of the world, but if you live in a country where the soil composition and climatic condition supports the growth of apples, then it will be a good idea to start your own apple plantation. There is a global market for apples and aside from the fact that apples can be eaten fresh from the trees just like other fruits, apples are used in the production of juice and drinks et al.

People are aware of the fact that apples help   keep the doctor away, and so the consumption of apples would continue to be on the rise.

  1. Yam Cultivation

Yam is another tuber crop that is cultivated majorly in Africa, South American and in most countries of the world. Yams can be eaten when cooked, fried and as flours et al. No doubt there is a large market for yams. As a result, if you are looking towards starting an agriculture crop cultivation business and you live in Africa or South America, then one of your options is to go into the cultivation of yam. Unlike most agriculture produce, yams if well preserved in a barn can outlive one season.

You do not necessarily have to be the person doing the cultivation. You may think to just handle the business management aspect, whilst you hire farmers to help with the operations.

12. Cattle Ranch

A typical example of livestock breeding business is a cattle ranch. An ideal cattle ranch is place where cows, ox, bulls, bullocks, heifers, donkeys, camels, calves et al are reared. Cattle rearing is a big business; meats, skins, milks and manure et al are gotten from cattle ranches. If you have the financial capacity and you are looking towards going into livestock breeding business, one of your major options is to open a cattle ranch. There is a global market for cattle and it is indeed a profitable business to go into. Please note that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to successfully manage a cattle ranch.

13. Grass – cutter Farming Business

Grass cutter farming is yet another lucrative livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is looking towards making money should consider going into. In recent times, it is now pretty much easier to breed grass cutters in cages, unlike when hunters would have to go hunting for grass cutters. Grass cutter farming is a highly thriving and profitable business in Africa; grass – cutter meat is a good delicacy that is eaten in all parts of the world especially in West Africa and East Africa.

14. Pig Farming


Pigs breeding business is yet another highly profitable and thriving livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is interested in farming should consider going into. Although pork is not consumed in Arab countries and within the Muslim communities, but that does not mean that the pig farming is not a thriving and profitable business venture. Before going into pig farming, ensure that you have done your market survey and feasibility studies so as to ensure that there is a market for pigs in the community you intend building your pig pen.

15. Fish Farming Business


Another highly thriving and profitable business venture an entrepreneur who is interested in making money from the agriculture industry should consider starting is to go into fish farming. Fish is consumed in all parts of the world; hence there is a large market for fish.

Over the years, quite a few people have made fortunes from fish farming, as the population is swelling and protein needs are far outstripping the available supply. Before now, people find it easier to rear only catfish, but in recent time fish farmers can comfortably rear tilapias, trout and salmons fish et al. All you need to get started is a space, tanks or ponds, fingerlings and fish feeds et al.

16. Goats and Sheep Rearing

As a matter of fact, goats and sheep is consumed in all parts of the world, it is a good source of protein. If you are looking towards starting a livestock breeding business, one of your best bet is to go into goat and sheep rearing. No doubt it is not easy rearing goats and sheep, but one thing is certain, there is a global market for goats and sheep and it is a highly thriving and profitable business to go into.

17. Rabbits Farming

Rabbits farming is yet another highly thriving and profitable livestock breeding business that an entrepreneur who is interested in the agriculture business should consider starting. There is no law prohibiting the keeping of rabbits in Towns and Cities. A backyard can serve as a good source of additional income, food and employment; thus reducing poverty, hunger and idleness.

Rabbit do not compete with humans for food, as kitchen leftovers, cut grasses and formulated or compounded feed can sustain them. Rabbit keeping does not require much capital for investment and maintenance. As little space is needed, most rabbits could be kept in the backyard or in the abandoned sheds.

18. Snail Farming Business

Snail farming is another interesting, thriving and profitable business venture that an entrepreneur for is interested in making money from livestock breeding should consider going into. As a matter of fact, snail farming require low start – up capital and anyone who is serious about business can generate good income from the business. Snail meat has been severally affirmed as a most safe and nutritious delicacy.

In these days of increased coronary implications and other health implications, snail producers are certain to hit it big because many people are shunning away from beef or red meat. It is also pleasing to note that snail production venture could be kick-started with a little initial capital. The best period to commence snail farming is the rainy season; you can start about 50 to 60 snails to have a good knowledge of how snail breeding works. Make sure you go for a fully matured and big nails

19. Poultry Farming Business

Hens, various birds, quails, guinea fowls, ducks et al are all birds that can be comfortably reared in poultry. Chicken and birds are widely consumed in all parts of the world hence there is a large market for poultry farmers. If you want to start a livestock breeding business, then one of your options is to settle for poultry farming. Poultry farming is a highly thriving and profitable business venture. Aside from the fact that people consume birds and chickens et al, supply of eggs is also a major source of revenue generation for poultry farmer.

20. Fertilizer Manufacturing Company

It is common to see farmers who are into non – organic farming using fertilizers to boost the growth of their crops. Fertilizer is a typical agro allied products. No doubt there is a very large global market for fertilizer, as a matter of fact, the government of most countries is the major buyers of fertilizer; it is a highly thriving and profitable business venture. As an entrepreneur who is looking at starting an agro allied related business, one of your best options is to go into the production of fertilizers. This type of business is capital intensive and will require licensing and permits from appropriate authority.

These are business ideas that are agricultural related. It is worthy to state that a lot of folks have gone into this business and have made good rewards from these ventures. However, it is only needful to say at this juncture, that; ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. This means that you have got to be patient enough to have the staying power to stay with what you are doing, even when it seems that you aren’t making too much sales at the onset.

culled from:

Also read:  Setting up a Bread Bakery Business - What You Should Know
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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