Should I Join Multi Level Marketing? What you should know about MLM

For over a while, going into mlm which in full means Multi Level Marketing has never been my thing and one of my major reasons is the difficulty or let me say the trying to convince someone to join the program has always been a turn-off for me, maybe because I’m a bit of an introvert, but you know what, my perception changed after really giving this a shot, made massive income in few days without going about convincing or evangelizing to people and I am willing to share with you how you can also.

The truth is, we can be so quick to judge or condemn something that is not of our interest especially if you are the type that doesn’t like taking risk or you are too busy to carefully examine the process. This has made so many lost out on good opportunities most times and yea, even me.

Now, in the real sense of it, what really is Multi Level Marketing (MLM)? MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation.

From the definition, you will find out that if a company is really into Multi Level Marketing (some are not for real), then this is one business you shouldn’t hesitate to key into and the reason is this:

  • Mlm is capable of giving you Exceptional Income with no salary cap
  • Gain control of your time/destiny
  • Residual Income (this is earning more money even when you don’t work again)
  • Help Others Achieve Success
  • No Risk Involved
  • Annual Profit Share
  • Luxury Worldwide vacations
  • Gifts like Brand New Cars
  • Will-able Business (the benefits attached to the business can be transferred to your children and children’s children)


An mlm offers the ability to earn additional streams of income, part-time or full-time without a large capital investment and the necessity for hiring and managing employees and you know what, there are over 300 network marketing or mlm companies in Nigeria and let me do you a favour by recommending the no 1 globally.


Many a time when people hear mlm, they get discouraged with either the selling of products or recommending people to get as downline, but you know what, the game has CHANGED! You don’t have to be sleeping on the bike anymore, the internet has changed so many things from how businesses are being operated to how mlm businesses are being run and permit me to give you this insight.


Couple of smart dudes who have blend in this new strategy of promoting or doing mlm business has reaped and made much more success and money than those doing it the old way and I will be showing you how. How you can integrate the mlm business to make rapid sales and get people begging to come join you as downline. If you can’t chill, just click HERE to see how below.

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In multi level marketing business, two things are involved which are; selling of products and getting downlines. These two actions on the long run when properly carried out SMARTLY will earn you a whole lot of reward ranging from residual income, Free car gifts, luxury vacations and others, that is only if you are with the RIGHT mlm company. Currently, the number 1 mlm company which I will advise you to join or be part is Forever (FLP) they are the no 1 globally according to statistics Here. They are simply the best because of how effective their products are and the lots of benefits and financial rewards attached to their mlm package. Lets take a close look on them.


Forever Living Products is a different kind of company that provides everyone with a better quality of life through innovative wellness products and an unmatched financial opportunity.


Not All Businesses Are Created Equal

Forever Living Products is a company with a proven track record that shows integrity with every business decision. While there are other companies that claim to offer similar opportunities, its important to understand what makes a successful multi-level marketing company. Look for these important business practices:

Quality Product
Innovative, quality products speak of the credibility of the company and you as a FBO. Look for a market leader with a proven track record.

No Pass-Ups

Nobody in your downline should ever be promoted above you. A promotion for them should be a promotion for you too.

No Demotions

A good marketing plan allows you to relax if you need to without worrying about being demoted for inactivity.

Financial Stability

Steady growth is a strong indicator of a successful future. Review growth charts and sales figures for the entire life of the company.


The longer a company has been around, the more experience and stability it has. Look for a company with at least a 5-year track record of growth and strong management. Forever Living has over a 30 year track record of success.

Multiple Income Opportunities

A key advantage to being involved with an MLM business is that you can enjoy multiple opportunities to earn money. A good company will offer profit-sharing, leadership, and royalty bonuses.

Consumable Products

An active customer base is critical to a successful home-based business. This can only be built with quality consumable products.

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Extensive Support Network

Your success represents the success of the company. A good company will offer excellent training, seminars, incentives, and a support center.

International Presence

A company with an international presence demonstrates stability, growth, and ample industry experience.

No doubt, FOREVER has all the above features and has been giving all of these benefits to their members over time. One sweet thing is the membership fee is FREE! You’ll get instant access to absolutely amazing products at their discounted prices. When it comes to training materials, a success plan, and your commissions, they provide all of that. All you need to provide is a commitment to your future and your enthusiasm. You can’t lose!

Now the real deal is about Your Commitment, which involves selling of these products to earn rewards, points, profits (I mean, good profits) and also getting people to come in as your downline difficult, you think? Naa, this has been simplified with the strategy currently in place, you don’t have to start going “up and down” trying to convince or confuse people to buy these products or join your league. Ofcos, these are Hot-in-demand products that work and sell fast but I’m going to be showing you the smartest ways of handling this game.

With this strategy, you should be making over 20 sales (if you are too lazy) monthly with a profit of over N150,000 at the comfort of your home and at the same time, your points and rewards are accumulating. I will be showing you LIVE proofs of how this works in a training coming up soon, and guess what, because you’re seeing it here, you’ve qualified to attend this training for FREE (thanks to SME Digest anyways)

I will be revealing to the fastest few people who act now, the SMARTEST way of promoting MLM business and making more money and rewards for yourself. Its going to be an in-house training where everything will be revealed to you and this is going to be the first and last. To be part of this, do yourself a favor by entering your name and email address in the form below. The date and venue of the training will be communicated to you, so please enter an active email address so as not to miss this one-time opportunity to Live Your Dreams. MLM business (especially FLP) has made so many millionaires and so many more to be made. Don’t dull, run yours smartly. It’s not about working hard but WORKING SMART!

Drop your info below and expect to hear from me in a jiffy.

To your success!




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