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HomeEditorialThe Diary of A Cab Hailing Business Man – Ep 3

The Diary of A Cab Hailing Business Man – Ep 3

Day 3 as an Uber Driver… Shout out to every driver out there doing this everyday. ‘E no easy at all…’

If you missed previous episodes, click here for episode 1 and here for episode 2.

The aim of my research is not to prove that my drivers are thieves or liars. I just want to be in their shoes for one month so I can have enough information to manage them in my company.

Now there are 3 key players in this business:

Uber/Bolt: provides the technology that connects riders to drivers.

The drivers: who must work daily

Pukena Cars & Drivers: provides the cars to drivers and gives them target to remit.

Now, for Uber/Bolt and Pukena to make money, the driver is expected to complete a maximum number of rides in a day, everyday for 7 days to stand a reasonable chance of staying on the job.

Remember Uber/Bolt just like Pukena survives on commissions. So, few rides by drivers means few commissions for these companies and reduces the chances of meeting the weekly target given to these drivers.

Now, this makes this business the most physically draining for the driver who must spend an average of 12 hours on the road to remain on both platforms. Anything short of that, he either loses his activity rate on the ride sharing platform or loses the car.

Also read:  The Diary of A Cab Hailing Business Man – Ep 2

How realistic could that be for a driver?

Let me use my 3 days as an example..

My woman has not seen me since Sunday and she is pissed! I leave for work before 5.30am looking for rides and by 12 midnight, I am still along the highway! I’m not even a full time driver under target. Imagine what the average driver goes through.

There are health challenges too. My knees hurt badly. I couldn’t come out of my car last night. I think I had a muscle pull.

Safety challenges too. I was always scared whenever I pick some young riders at night. I was always checking their movements through my rear mirror to know when to use my new taekwando skills when necessary :). Last night I was in this crazy traffic along Lagos Badagry Expressway and I was just praying these thieves I hear about don’t break my windows. I had all my work tools in the car – Laptop, tablet, phone and of course my car.

“Drivers dey see something”. This job is risky.

I have to go a bit softer on them. I have resolved never to use police against any driver that defaults except if there is a malicious damage on our cars. As long as they are willing to work, we will help them.

 diary of a cab hailing business man
Emmanuel Udeagha – CEO/Founder, Pukena Cars & Drivers

I think we need to hire a driver manager to look into the drivers state of mind and find ways to help them do their jobs.

Also read:  How To Write A Business Plan - Comprehensive Guide

Two biggest sins of a driver are not working enough to make money to pay or working enough, making money and using it to solve personal problems.

I will show my drivers how to do this business and meet a minimum number of rides in a day and go home to their families.

With 9 completed rides, you can buy fuel, eat and still have over 15k in your account. Use 3 days out of 7 days to focus on making money for the car owner. Use the remaining days to make money for yourself.

Then, develop enough discipline to see money and not use it. The good drivers are the ones that understand this.

It’s all about proper training, orientation and financial discipline.

12 hours of work daily and then go offline for the day!

It’s a new dawn!

NB: So you don’t get to miss out on this journey and interesting episodes, click HERE to subscribe on SME Digest priority list – your info are highly protected with us.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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