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HomeEntrepreneurshipThese 6 Skills Will Make A Productive 2017 For You. Learn Them!

These 6 Skills Will Make A Productive 2017 For You. Learn Them!

We are in an era of much information available at your disposal that you can become whatever you want to without much stress. This era of technology advancement has been the best so far but it’s so surprising that most people are not harnessing it rightly. A focused and determined person can learn many skills online and use them to diversify his or her income. With all the advanced, digital technology in this world, no one should give excuses of not having one or two skills to remain relevant and competitive.

There are countless websites readily available for you to acquire valuable skills and knowledge for free or with little fee for a productive 2017. Skills you can equip yourself with in 2017 to be more productive are:

1. Web design and development.

Web design and development is a highly sought-after skill. This is because we are in a digital transformation age where every business — small, medium and large scale — is extremely interested in showcasing their products and services to the world through their websites.

There are lots of sites that can teach youhow to design and develop a website. By acquiring these skills, one is adequately positioned to scramble for millions of small, medium and large scale businesses who are contemplating launching or updating their websites.

2. Statistical data analysis.

Statistical data analysisis another vital skill that is in high demand by companies, entrepreneurs and students. The knowledge of Mini-tab, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and E-view, just to name a few, makes a person highly desirable.

As a researcher, I have smiled all the way to the bank numerous times because I havesome knowledge of statistical data analytical software. Most students in tertiary institutions need an expert data analyst — companies too, especially when sophisticated software is needed for forecasting market shares, profit and other vital results that will aid managerial decision making.

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You can learn these data analytical tools online, and consult an expert for clarificationshould you encounter some difficulties trying to grasp the calculations and interpretation of results.

3. Fashion designing.

Humans are always in need of food, clothes and shelter. These are three basic necessities of life. Both rich and poor are in need of clothes. In our contemporary world where fashion is always a trending issue, everybody wants to look classic and beautiful. This has made fashion designers kings and queens in their profession.

There are sites that can teach you how to draw fashion or make fashion sketches, andthere are lots of online videos that can teachyou make dresses. The beauty of having this skill lies in the way customers flock around fashion designers within few hours of setting up an office.

Fashion designing is synonymous to a football match; there is never a dull moment from the blast of the whistle. What do I mean? Even at the apprentice stage, customers are already flocking around you.


4. Make-up.

Believe it or not, the makeup business is growing at an incredible rate. There are lots of online videos that can teach you the rudiment of make up. After meeting and interviewing Gyenni Nissi James, the CEO of NissiMakeOvers, on how she started her make over business, it was shocking to hear that she didn’t attend any make-up school or the likes in becoming somewhat skillful in the makeup business. She has become one of the sought after make over artists in Abuja and Nassarawa as a result of her quality service delivery. Remember, she learned this skill for free. You can do same.

Also read:  Why You WON'T Get Funds For Your Business
NissiMakeOvers [email protected]

5. Business research.

Many people want to venture into business while those who are already in business are seeking other businesses to invest in. Many companies and investors are actually seeking well-researched business ideas to invest in.

As a business researcher, you can work on your own terms. Youdecide whether to sell your business ideas or become a partner in the businesses. At the end of the day, you will be surprised to see that you are a co-owner of chains of businesses.

Acquiring this skill is not as difficult as you think. I am saying this because most people are indifferent when it comes to research. All you need is to be patient, focus and determined. Read online articles and journals or watch videos on business research. It’s also a good idea to consult an expert.

6.Own a blog.

You can actually learn how to create and run a blog online. By systematically following the step-by-step instructions on creating a blog, you’ll be acquiring the skill to create more blogs for prospective clients. You can create a blog for your web design and development business, statistical data analysis, fashion designing, makeupand business research businesses.

Successful bloggers today started by simply creating a blog. Therest is history. You too can join the leagues of successful bloggers by meticulously following their footsteps.

There is so much to be gained by acquiring one or more skills online. Big organizations looked for people with the talents and skills discussed above in 2016 and 2017 will not be different.

Learn a skill online today for a productive year.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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