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HomeNewsLagos Chamber of Commerce Honors UBA

Lagos Chamber of Commerce Honors UBA

The Pan-African bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, has been honored by the Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry, LCCI, with the award for the growth of SMEs in Africa, following its recent involvements in micro, small and medium enterprises, MSMEs.

The award was presented to the bank at the on-going 2019 Lagos International Trade Fair, LITF.

The bank has grown a network of MSME support services not only in Nigeria but also across Africa continent, with benefits including credit facilities, training programs and business grants to the MSME operators.

The bank has also created the UBA Marketplace, which offers market outlets for small businesses.
UBA was the principal partner to the 2019 LITF, and the bank used the opportunity to secure 20% discount for MSMEs on registration fee for exhibition spaces at the LITF.

Consequently, this year’s LITF took a new leap with the bank bringing a new feature know as the Africa Day Celebration to promote Intra-African Trade. The celebration opens up businesses to sell their products and services across all African countries.

The day began with a Keynote address by Chiugo Ndubisi, Group Executive, Transformation and Resources. In his address, he emphasized the importance of financial inclusion in building the new Africa.

Lagos Chamber of Commerce honors UBA

He stated: “Over the years, UBA have ensured that customers all over Africa can make payment seamlessly without barriers of boarders. He said, UBA is in 20 African countries with setup that helps customers feel at home in other African countries and carry out there businesses and banking transactions with ease“.

UBA honored by Lagos Chamber of Commerce

Head, Retail Banking, Osita Ede, also discussed how UBA is one of the Made-In-Africa products and how the bank will continue to support Africa Trade. In his words; “For Africa Trade to work, two things are most important – Access and Payment, two areas where UBA plays a major role in Africa”.

The event ended with a panel session where Jude Anele, Group Head, Consumer and Retail Banking joined industry experts to discus factors which promote intra-Africa trade.



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