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HomeHow To SeriesHow To Start Your Own Business While Still Working Full-Time Job

How To Start Your Own Business While Still Working Full-Time Job

Many ways to get a successful business off the ground, even with a full-time job taking up a lot of your time.

In fact, I’ve seen it done successfully so many times, that I can confidently tell you…

It doesn’t matter if you’re working full-time right now and don’t see a way out….

Follow the simple steps I lay out here…and in 3–5 years time, you WILL have a business bringing in $80,000 to $120,000 a year.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

You don’t need a college degree to pull this off.

And you don’t need a “big idea” or nerdy tech knowledge to make money in business.

In fact, you can use the most unsexy business model, like plumbing for example…and still make a lot of money without drowning yourself in work.

But I won’t blow smoke up your ass…

Building a business, while working full-time…..WON’T exactly be a nice trip ’round the park either.

Quite the contrary.

You will have to become hyper-focused on building a valuable skill that is marketable and that can be used to grow your business.

And you can’t flex your time away with Netflix, boozing on the weekends and wasting time like the all the other schmucks.

Just like my high-school friend Steve, you’ve got to make a decision to become wealthy.


We hadn’t spoken to each other for close to 22 years.

The last time we saw each other, was at our high-school high-school graduation.

We both grew up in the same building in Brooklyn.

Our parents, lower-middle class people, lived their lives, as such people typically do – having good work ethic but being poor.

We were good friends throughout our teens. We smoked cigarettes, chased after girls and drank liquor in seedy bars.

After school, we lost touch, though.

As I later found out, Steve had moved to a different city and got addicted to opoids.

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I might have never seen him again, until a mutual friend of ours, who had stayed in touch, brought us together a couple years ago.

To make a long story short….

Steve was clean now and working full-time as a plumber.

As we both met again, he told me he’s fed up with his job, working long hours, but just barely scraping by.

Then and there, I decided to help him.


After starting a restaurant business after high-school and taking on $189,000 in debt to get this business off the ground, I had learned how to make money the hard way.

You see, it’s not necessarily the business you’re in, that determines how much money you’ll make….

It’s your skill-set.

And after learning the skill of coypwriting and direct marketing and applying it to my restaurant, I completely changed my financial and business life.

With the help of copywriting and the ads and sales material I wrote, I managed to attract more and more customer to my restaurant.

Within 12 months, I was able to repay all my debt and transform my restaurant from an energy sucking venture, into a fast growing, 7-figure generating enterprise.

It was as if things finally were making “click” in my life and I learned first-hand, what it truly takes to make money in business.

Since then, I’ve used my copywriting and marketing skills to run mail-oder businesses, write successful mail campaigns for other businesses and work as marketing consultant and copywriter.

But enough self-aggrandizing…..

Now…What has copywriting and marketing got to do with Steve and with you?

More than you think.

After I decided to help Steve get out of his job and build a successful business, the first thing I did, was to teach him persuasive writing.

He applied himself ruthlessly to mastering this lucrative skill, and managed to secure high-paying jobs as a plumbing contractor.

Without much help on part and with his newly found marketing skill, Steve managed to build and run a highly successful plumbing business.

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Currently, Steve’s company is on it’s way to it’s first 7-figure year, and is dominating a certain segment in the whirlpool-installation market in his area.

All the while Steve is working only 6 hours a day on his business, taking entire weekends off, while enjoying the time off with his wife and being financially more than secure.

What’s to learn out of this? What are the steps Steve (and many others) took, to go from broke to wealthy in 3–5 years?

  1. From now, you must start using your time wisely. Your situation WON’T get better until you make the real decision to change and take the necessary steps.
  2. Learn a valuable skill or use your current skill-set to start a service based business. Running a service-based business means, you won’t have a high overhead in most cases, and can focus all your resources and time on attracting more clients (see Step #3) and getting results for your existing clients and customers.
  3. Learn HOW TO PERSUADE and MARKET yourself, so that you attract customers so you and can grow your service-based business fast and effectively without giving up your life.
  4. Systematize your business as much as possible and divorce time spent in the business, from the money you earn. Utilize a system for customer attraction and retention.
  5. Enjoy your wealth, work less and live life on your terms. Build generational wealth, and be able to provide a bright future for your kids and even grandchildren.
  6. Always remember…. If I managed to achieve financial independence and a high level of wealth within 5 years time…While being $189,000 in debt at one point…. And if Steve (with all the due respect, my friend), who was a drug addict for years could do it…. Then, what’s your excuse? I’m rooting for you.



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