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HomeIT CornerAnswer These 5 Questions If You Want to Grab Your Website Visitors'...

Answer These 5 Questions If You Want to Grab Your Website Visitors’ Attention in Seconds…

You’ve got just 10 seconds… grab a visitor’s attention to your website before they click away. And that number is quickly declining – some stats show you only have 7 seconds to let your audience know they’re in the right place.

Your Website has a lot to do in a fraction of a minute. Here are 5 questions you need to ask to ensure your prospective customers stick around.

#1. Are You Clear About Who You Are?

When a visitor lands on your Website, can they immediately tell who your company is and what you do? Your logo, tagline, graphics/photos, and headline should quickly lead your website visitor to identify what you’re all about.

#2. Is Your Content Customer-Focused?

Too many Websites go to great lengths to “welcome” visitors to their site and share mission and vision for the world. Truth is, NO ONE CARES!. When someone is searching for an answer to their problem, they don’t care about what you believe – they want to know that you can help.

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So, write the content to the reader – one reader – drop the overused platitudes and clichés, and tell the reader how you can solve their problem. It begins with an engaging headline and goes through all content on your Website. Write from your reader’s perspective, not from yours.

An example is;
Company Focused: We provide the best quality Doors in Africa.
Prospect Focused: You’ll never have to replace your Doors in the next 20 years. Guaranteed!

#3. Are You Grabbing & Holding Their Attention

This starts by understanding what your prospect values. What are their problems? How can you solve them? Get to the heart of the emotion behind their issues.

Your content should stand out as the clear choice over all others. Share the benefits. Tell a story. Engage the reader.

If you must include text-heavy passages, break them up with photos, infographics, varied text positioning, or background colours to make it easier to read.


#4. What Do You Want Visitors To Do?

What is the first action you want visitors to do on your site? Do you have a clear call-to-action (CTA)? It could be to:

• Download a free report.
• Try a free demo.
• Schedule a complimentary session.
• Buy now.

A recent stat showed that 70% of small business Websites had no call to action! This is a huge opportunity missed! Include a clear call to action on every page.

#5. Is Your Content Shareable?

In the age of social media, sharing articles and insights have become the norm. Is the content on your site worthy of sharing? Do you make it easy to share by including social links? You should be adding new blog posts to your Website regularly, and using them as a means to garner social attention.

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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