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HomeEntrepreneurshipFCMB TOP 5- in-5 Masterclass: A Review

FCMB TOP 5- in-5 Masterclass: A Review

The Top 5-in-5 Masterclass is a web series aimed at helping business owners run successful and sustainable businesses. This initiative was born out of FCMB’s passion to help SMEs operate and scale seamlessly in Nigeria. 

As the name implies, the platform features 5 strong tips in 5 minutes delivered by renowned experts across various sectors and specialization. 

So far, 6 episodes have been released and word on the street is that they have surpassed expectations. These videos touched on – Business sustainability, Differentiation, Innovation & funding to mention a few. The latest video featured the CEO of FCMB Asset Management, James Ilori, who talked about Diversifying Your Sources of Investment Income. Other speakers featured include, Bisi Adeyemi, Kelvin Balogun, Yomi Badejo-Okusanya, and Bukola Smith.

Also read:  Nigerian SMEs SPEAK.. What's Your Opinion?

We’re 5 episodes in and it has been quite insightful – across various demography.  It is primarily targeted at business owners, but the content on the platform seems to be well-off for both potential business owners, working class and potential working class individuals. 

Below the embedded video is a download button that lets you access downloadable resources like different video lengths and a transcribed version. 

Also, users get to request for sessions on their topics of interest. At the end of the season, a topic is selected by popular demand.

The cluster of thought leaders featured on this platform alone, tells how much value is embedded in each video. Watching them teach feels like a one-in-one mentorship session. 

So far so good, this platform is making impact, as people are coming on board on a daily basis, learning and passing their comments, and the quick response from FCMB on every feedback is quite commendable.

Also read:  Why You WON'T Get Funds For Your Business

It’s worthy to note that FCMB is at the top of the list of banks when it comes to looking out for small business owners across Nigeria. Aside this Top 5-in-5 initiative, there are several other empowerment initiatives they have developed over the years to ensure seamless operations of SMEs in Nigeria. These efforts are duly recognized, and on this note, FCMB was recognized as the Number 1 Bank for SMEs in Nigeria on the KPMG Nigeria Banking Industry Customer Experience Survey Report in 2019.

Access the Masterclass here >>

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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