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HomeEntrepreneurshipEnter For Enterprise Challenge 2016

Enter For Enterprise Challenge 2016

Are you creative? Do you stand out from the crowd? Do you value a challenge? 

Are you brimming with innovative ideas or solutions which can make a difference in Nigeria? Do you have a passion for change? Then you just might be the one we are looking for.

As a follow up to the successful launch of the Enterprise Challenge in 2014, the British Council in partnership with Virgin Atlantic, Zenith Bank and our new partner Samsung, proudly present the 2016 edition.

The Enterprise Challenge is an online competition which is designed to promote the development of entrepreneurial skills in Nigerian youth aged 18 to 35. The first cycle gave rise to 2 winners who won grants of 1.5 million naira each, had the opportunity to attend capacity building sessions at the prestigious Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship in South Africa and were mentored by globally recognized mogul and president of the Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson.

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This year, the programme partners have decided to take things up a notch! In addition to the prizes offered last year (i.e. grants, training and mentoring session with Richard Branson) there will be capacity building sessions offered by the Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship to the top 20 participants. This year’s winners will also get the opportunity to meet with and be mentored by entrepreneurs working in similar sectors in Nigeria and the UK.

To find out more about the 2016 Enterprise Challenge, please visit the British Council website or follow this link –

See videos of past winners below:

admin | Abbey Oyetunji
admin | Abbey Oyetunji
Abbey Oyetunji is a Business Growth Strategist. An IT Mogul & Web Developer. Reach via mail: [email protected]


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